Monetize mobile calls by turning them into valuable data with Salesforce-integration

Track your company’s mobile calls and connect them to Salesforce, automatically. This is made possible by Moontalk Salesforce-integration.

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Automatically open up customer cards

Optimise the use of your CRM

With Moontalk Salesforce-integration Inbound calls automatically open up correct customer cards and the call details are added to them. This way required actions can be documented to the system.

Mustalinja Salesforce-integraatio avaa automaattisesti oikean asiakaskortin puhelun saapuessa
Mustalinja Salesforce-integraatio kirjaa puhelut automaattisesti asiakaskortille

Automatic call log

Are your Sales calls up to date?

Or do you track direct calls between clients and personnel?

With this integration you track both inbound and outbound calls and even queue calls in mobile. Automatically log call waiting time and duration and who answered the call. All this fully reportable in Salesforce.

Click to call​

Streamline your work with click to call and call to clients from Salesforce simply by pressing the customer phone number.

The integration also enables you to answer inbound calls straight from Salesforce.

Mustalinja Salesforce-integraatio mahdollistaa Click-to-call -soittamisen
Mustalinja Salesforce-integraatio täydentää 360-näkymää

360-customer view

Add valuable data to the 360-view through the integration. Get a clear and comprehensive view of the customer.

The 360-view can contain information like companies basic information, contact personnel, previous orders, orders and subscriptions, billing information, customer service history and other customer interactions.

With this information you can create customized offers, after-sales services and customer support services.


Moontalk integration can be used in mobile. With this you can use Salesforce and the Moontalk integration with you mobile device without being bound to your work station.

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Moontalk is registered Salesforce partner

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Lataa mobiilivaihdevertailu

Puolueellinen mobiilivaihde -vertailu sisältää perustietopaketin mobiilivaihteesta ja sen toiminnoista. Lisäksi se tarjoaa vinkkejä eri mobiilivaihteiden vertailuun sekä hankintapäätöksen tueksi.

Mobiilivaihde vertailu